
The Problem(s)

Believe it or not, just visit a new home site and you will discover what is lurking under your green carpet of grass!

  • Piles of rock, gravel, & cement.
  • Boulders, building waste, clay & sand.
  • Only 1-2 inches of top soil is spread over basement sub-soils and backfill, perhaps brought into site as cheaply as possible.

A soil probe tells the truth.

The Solution

The lawn at the bottom of the picture has received applications of organic fertilizer

Picture of lawn

WOODCHUCK TREE & YARD SERVICES LLC Organic fertilizer provides 1 ton of organic nutrients in 2 years of applications to a large 1 acre lot or a 15x20 sq foot lot.

This has a tremendous effect on the soil's micro-organisms, nutrient life and compost creating earthworms.

Woodchuck clients are advised not to aerate and de-thatch since that is done naturally by the earthworms that thrive underground in the absence of poisons and in the presence of rich grass clippings and moisture.

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